Saturday, February 14, 2009

My love Haiku

love is what you give-
fragrant flower in the wind
the shade of a tree

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mumbai Terror Attacks

As I write this, my beloved city is under siege, with innocent civilians being killed and taken tears can do nothing to help......saddens me that even men in authority like the chief of Mumbai police anti terrorism squad was killed at the Oberoi hotel and the leader of the anti terror squad leader at the Taj were killed doing their jobs ....these men are so brave in the face of danger....unsung everyday heroes who give their lives to save that of others.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

lined by pipal trees

what an indescribable joy to walk down this street......any any's one of my favourite walks.........high overhead the leaves rustle as they glint in the rays of the sun.......the lovely shaped leaves are no strangers to a painter's art..a lasting legacy....
a quiet peace descends upon you...a you sadly leave to go home.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Gift of the Nile

“Egypt is the gift of the Nile” said Herodotus the great Greek philosopher and it is so true. This beautiful river is also the longest river in the world and flows from south to north….hey that’s correct….did you know that there is a Blue Nile and a White Nile……..yes that’s right too

a family living on the boat…..cruising the Nile daily ..catching fish….eating and sleeping on their lil boat that is home. A carefree life entirely dependent on this great river…..

Herodotus wrote ” the great river rises of itself, waters the fields, and then sinks back again;thereupon each man sows his field and waits for the harvest”….for hundreds of years the Nile has made life possible for hundreds of thousands of people and animals.

Monday, November 17, 2008

the greatest magic trick

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly" says Richard Bach.....

Yesterday i watched in amazement as out of the chysalis crawled the butterfly...crumpled wings and all....if i was not taught the term metamorphosis and you pointed out a caterpillar and told me it would become a butterfly i would have probably's the greatest magic trick of all.....behold the caterpillar hides itself in the pupa and when it emerges ....voila its a butterfly.....two entities so distinct and different from each's nothing short of miraculous...time enough to dry its delicate wings and then off it flies in search of nectar...the beautiful butterfly...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins

the promise of something new.......hats off to the American people.......takes a lot of courage to do what you have done.
For me the enduring image was of Jesse Jackson unable and unwilling to hold back the in a crowd of thousands hardly daring to believe what had happened
Obama not over the top but taking victory in his stride and sharing the moment with the whole family.....a puppy for the kids (its been a long time before kids stay in the white house.) absolutely stupendous and unforgettable win.....hope springs eternal in the human breast holding the promise of a better tomorrow...

"Obamas Victory-Crying Jesse Jackson"
Watch the touching scene and history being made.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year 2008

You have given me so much.......
give me one more thing.....
a grateful heart....